Planet H.U.G.S. is one of our H.U.G.S. innitiatives that work to make possitive change on an international scale, whenever and wherever we see fit. By working through missionaries, vagabonds, adventurers, vacationers, and out of country organizations we spread love on a wide global scale through sending out much needed shoes.
"With a dream in your heart and determination, anything is possible." says founder Olivia Wright. Years ago when H.U.G.S. was a beginning organization, and she was asked her goals and mission statement, she responded with, "To shoe the world."
Eight years, 100,000 pairs of shoes, 13 countries, and 6 continents later our mission at H.U.G.S. still stays the same: to shoe the world!
From the little children walking barefoot to school in the Appalachin Mountains, to the villages that make up the colorful streets of Nicaragua; from the sweltering heat that mother's have to endure on barefeet as they make their way to the well in Kenya, Africa, to the bone chilling cold in Russia- one need occurs, the necessity of shoes.
We at H.U.G.S. have and will work tirelessly towards a world filled with smiling faces and shoed feet- and thanks to you we've already seen so much progress towards our cause!
Indeed, something as simple as a trip to your closet can completely change a life.

Explore the world through our Global Impact
From Kenya, to Russia, to Haiti, to India- we have traveled the world in our quest for peace! Click here to view the map of impact.