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To Love, To Connect, To Give in India

Hello! I'm so happy to finally have time to sit down and post after Rajahmundry! Sadly, there are simply no words to describe the transforming time I had in India- and that's coming from someone who experiences and thoroughly enjoys change almost everyday! ;)

I will try, though, to summarize some of the overall happenings in India and my feelings in response to them. After spending time with the most wondrous children I have and will ever meet, I have learned what it is like to love wholly and fully- a love that encompasses every part of your being and sets the soul on fire! I left some very important pieces of my heart in India with the Forthward Home children: Bebe, Lalitha, Prasanna, Sindhu, Uday, Rajesh, and Pastor Koti, his family, and his church! To everyone who has donated to make our Home possible; I thank you as sincerely as I can.

The babies in Rajahmundry deserve the whole world, and that starts by giving them a happy and healthy family, conditions to stay safe within, education to grow their developing minds, and clean water and food to fuel their growth. Our children are filled with such curiosity and wonder, they all hold so much happiness and hope despite where life has found them. They are overfilling with love that spills over on everyone they come in contact with, and they are gifted with an amazing amount of compassion, kindness, and care for having lived such a short time. I can tell you honestly, every prayer, gift, and donation went to enhancing the lives of angels.

I'd love to tell all about the wonderful and unique village of Rajahmundry, along with it's hazy glowing sunsets, and beautiful homes and people- along with some work we were blessed to do with a group of residents with leprosy (some of the most dazzling people I've ever met), and all of the small adventures and good times we happened upon! But, since this post is already absurdly long, I'm going to save that for some more

blog postings on the H.U.G.S. website later.

Thank you again to everyone who help make H.U.G.S. and what we are able to do possible! Much love to all my friends <3

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